Event instance properties : Event « jQuery « JavaScript Tutorial

Property                Description
altKey                  true if the Alt key was pressed.
ctrlKey                 true if the Ctrl key was pressed.
data                    passed as the second parameter to the bind() command.
keyCode                 For keyup and keydown events, returns the pressed key.
metaKey                 true if the Meta key was pressed.
pageX                   For mouse events, horizontal coordinate.
pageY                   For mouse events, vertical coordinate.
relatedTarget           For some mouse events, cursor left or entered when the event was triggered.
screenX                 For mouse events, horizontal coordinate.
screenY                 For mouse events, coordinate from the screen origin.
shiftKey                Set to true if the Shift key was pressed.

30.131.1.Cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method
30.131.2.Get click event coordinates
30.131.3.Get event target
30.131.4.Cancel a default action and prevent it from bubbling up
30.131.5.Get tag name from event target
30.131.6.Prevent default event
30.131.7.Removes a bound live event
30.131.8.Event instance properties
30.131.9.Define custom event
30.131.10.Stop only an event from bubbling by using the stopPropagation method.
30.131.11.Pass some extra data before the event handler:
30.131.12.To cancel only the default action by using the preventDefault method.
30.131.13.Establishing event handlers with the DOM Level 2 Model
30.131.14.Tracking event propagation with bubble and capture handlers
30.131.15.Dynamically tracking the dimensions of an element