INFO(type_text) returns information about the current environment : Info « Information functions « Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Tutorial

INFO("directory") returns the path of the current directory or folder.
INFO("numfile") returns the number of active worksheets in the open workbooks.
INFO("origin") returns the absolute cell reference of the top and leftmost cell.
INFO("osversion") returns the current operating system version, as text.
INFO("recalc") return current recalculation mode; returns "Automatic" or "Manual".
INFO("release") returns version of Microsoft Excel, as text.
INFO("system") returns the name of the operating environment:
Reference from Excel Documentation

17.3.1.INFO(type_text) returns information about the current environment
17.3.2.=INFO("numfile") return the number of active worksheets=INFO(
17.3.3.=INFO("recalc") returns the recalculation mode for the workbook=INFO(
17.3.4.=INFO("directory") returns the path of the current directory.=INFO(
17.3.5.=INFO("origin") returns the address of the cell at the top and to the left of the scrollable area=INFO(
17.3.6.=INFO("osversion") returns the name of the current operating system=INFO(
17.3.7.=INFO("release") returns the version number of Excel being run=INFO(
17.3.8.=INFO("system") returns the name of the operating environment: either mac or pcdos=INFO(
17.3.9.Combine IF and INFO formula to check the Excel versionCombine IF and INFO formula to check the Excel version