Table Character Set and Collation : COLLATION Character Set « Table « MySQL Tutorial

Every table has a table character set and a table collation.

The CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements have optional clauses for specifying them:

CREATE TABLE tbl_name (column_list)
    [[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]]

ALTER TABLE tbl_name
    [[DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET charset_name] [COLLATE collation_name]


CREATE TABLE t1 ( first_name varchar(30) ) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_danish_ci;

MySQL chooses the table character set and collation in the following manner:

If both CHARACTER SET X and COLLATE Y were specified, then character set X and collation Y.

If CHARACTER SET X was specified without COLLATE, then character set X and its default collation.

If COLLATE Y was specified without CHARACTER SET, then the character set associated with Y and collation Y.

Otherwise, the database character set and collation.

The table character set and collation are used as default values if the column character set and collation are not specified in individual column definitions.

Quote from MySQL document:

4.20.COLLATION Character Set
4.20.1.Character Sets and Collations in MySQL
4.20.2.Server Character Set and Collation
4.20.3.Every database has a database character set and a database collation.
4.20.4.List the available character set
4.20.5.TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
4.20.7.Using alter command to change characgter set
4.20.8.The output from SHOW COLLATION includes all available character sets.
4.20.9.The SHOW CHARACTER SET command shows all available character sets.
4.20.10.Table and Column Definition with character and collate
4.20.11.Database, Table, and Column Definition with Character and collate
4.20.12.SHOW CREATE DATABASE displays the CREATE DATABASE statement that creates a given database:
4.20.13.SHOW CREATE TABLE displays the CREATE TABLE statement to create a given table.
4.20.14.The SHOW COLUMNS statement displays the collations of a table's columns when invoked as SHOW FULL COLUMNS
4.20.15.Table Character Set and Collation
4.20.16.Column Character Set and Collation