Answer: extended class and static variable : Questions « Modifiers « SCJP

This instance method cannot override the static method from MyClass

Static methods may not be overridden to be nonstatic.

3.17.1.Which modifier should be used to control the persistent state?
3.17.2.Answer: persistent state and modifer
3.17.3.What is the output(extended class and static variable)?
3.17.4.Answer: extended class and static variable
3.17.5.What is the output(static field)?
3.17.6.Answer: static field variable
3.17.7.An abstract class may be instantiated (true/false)
3.17.8.Answer: abstract class and instantiation
3.17.9.An abstract class must contain at least one abstract method (true/false)
3.17.10.Answer: abstract class and abstract method
3.17.11.An abstract class must contain at least one abstract data field (true/false)
3.17.12.Answer: abstract class and abstract field
3.17.13.A top-level class may be declared as private(True/False).
3.17.14.Answer: top level class
3.17.15.A method may be declared as transient(True/False).
3.17.16.Answer: transient and method
3.17.17.A constructor may be declared as volatile.
3.17.18.Answer: volatile and method
3.17.19.What is the output of the following program(static field)?
3.17.20.Answer: static field
3.17.21.Local variables may be declared final(True/False).
3.17.22.Answer: local variable and final
3.17.23.Methods may be declared final(True/False).
3.17.24.Answer: final method
3.17.25.Constructors may not be declared private(True/False).
3.17.26.Answer: final and contructor
3.17.27.What is the output of the following program(static initializer)?
3.17.28.Answer: static initializer