What can be thrown by a throw statement? : Questions « Statements « SCJP

A. assignable to the Throwable type.
B. assignable to the Error type.
C. assignable to the Exception type.
D. assignable to the String type.

5.17.1.What Java statement is used to completely abort the execution of a loop?
5.17.2.Answer: abort the execution of a loop
5.17.3.What is the output from the following code(continue and break)?
5.17.4.Answer: continue and break
5.17.5.What can be thrown by a throw statement?
5.17.6.Answer: throw statement
5.17.7.What can be caught for the following types?
5.17.8.Answer: caught type
5.17.9.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed after a catch clause has executed(True/False).
5.17.10.Answer: try-catch-finally
5.17.11.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed if a catch clause has not executed(True/False).
5.17.12.Answer: finally
5.17.13.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is always executed unless its thread terminates(True/False).
5.17.14.Answer: finally(2)
5.17.15.finally clause of a try-catch-finally is only executed if an exception is thrown(True/False).
5.17.16.Answer: finally(3)
5.17.17.What is the output from the following code(throw exception)?
5.17.18.Answer: throw exception
5.17.19.What is the output from the following code(nested try statement)?
5.17.20.Answer: nested try statement
5.17.21.What is the result(nested for loop and break)?
5.17.22.Answer: nested for loop and break
5.17.23.What is the result(throw exception in try block)?
5.17.24.Answer: throw exception in try block
5.17.25.What is the result(break and label)?
5.17.26.Answer: break and label
5.17.27.What is the result(try...catch)?
5.17.28.Answer: try...catch
5.17.29.Which could be used to create an appropriate catch block?
5.17.30.Answer: catch block
5.17.31.It is appropriate to use assertions to validate arguments to methods marked public(True/False)
5.17.32.Answer: assertion
5.17.33.It is appropriate to catch and handle assertion errors(True/False)
5.17.34.Answer: assertion and catch clause
5.17.35.It is NOT appropriate to use assertions to validate command-line arguments(True/False)
5.17.36.Answer: assertion and commandline
5.17.37.It is appropriate to use assertions to generate alerts when you reach code that should not be reachable(True/False)
5.17.38.Answer: assertion and unreachable code
5.17.39.Which, inserted independently at XXX, compiles?
5.17.40.Answer: for loop and hanced for loop
5.17.41.What is the result(nested try /catch blocks)?
5.17.42.Answer: nested try /catch blocks
5.17.43.What is the result(switch and fall-through)?
5.17.44.Answer: switch and fall-through