What is ture for a fully encapsulated class? : Questions « Object Oriented « SCJP

A. All variables are private.
B. All methods are private.
C. Methods are provided to access the class's properties.
D. The class's design may be changed with minimal impact on its implementation.

6.16.1."X extends Y" is correct if and only if X is a class and Y is an interface(True/False)
6.16.2.Answer: interface extends
6.16.3."X extends Y" is correct if and only if X is an interface and Y is a class(True/False)
6.16.4.Answer: class and interface
6.16.5."X extends Y" is correct if X and Y are either both classes or both interfaces(True/False)
6.16.6.Answer: interface hierarchy
6.16.7.Which method names follow the JavaBeans standard?
6.16.8.Answer: JavaBeas naming convention
6.16.9.Which, inserted independently at 'insert code here', will compile?
6.16.10.Answer: method overloading and var-arg
6.16.11.What is the result(enum value)?
6.16.12.Answer: enum value
6.16.13.What is the result when trying to compiling the following code(abstract and interface)?
6.16.14.Answer: abstract and interface
6.16.15.What is the result when trying to compiling the following code(variable name)?
6.16.16.Answer: variable name
6.16.17.What is the result when trying to compiling the following code(array declaration)?
6.16.18.Answer: array declaration
6.16.19.What is the result when trying to compiling the following code(enum definition spot)?
6.16.20.Answer: enum definition spot
6.16.21.What is the result(enum and for loop)?
6.16.22.Answer: enum and for loop
6.16.23.What is the result(static method)?
6.16.24.Answer: static method
6.16.25.Is the following code compilable(subclass and override)?
6.16.26.Answer: subclass and override
6.16.27.Is the following code compilable(subclass and overloading)
6.16.28.Answer: subclass and overloading
6.16.29.Is the following code compilable(override and exception throws statements)?
6.16.30.Answer: override and exception throws statements
6.16.31.What is the output(compare two enum values)?
6.16.32.Answer: compare two enum values
6.16.33.What is the output of the following program(class inheritance and shadowing)?
6.16.34.Answer: class inheritance and shadowing
6.16.35.What is the output of the following program(inner class)?
6.16.36.Answer: using inner class
6.16.37.What is ture for a fully encapsulated class?
6.16.38.Answer: encapsulated class
6.16.39.What is an example of polymorphism?
6.16.40.Answer: polymorphism
6.16.41.Which modifiers may not be used with a top-level class?
6.16.42.Answer: Which modifiers may not be used with a top-level class
6.16.43.The compiler supplies a default constructor if no constructors are provided for a class(True/False).
6.16.44.Answer: default constructor
6.16.45.All constructors have a void return type(True/False).
6.16.46.Answer: return type for constructors
6.16.47.A constructor may throw an exception(True/False).
6.16.48.Answer: constructor and exception