Controlling Threads: Yielding : Yielding « Thread « SCJP

yield() make the currently running thread head back to runnable to allow other threads to get their turn. 

A thread can be moved out of the virtual CPU by yielding. 

A thread that has yielded goes into the Ready state. 

The yield() method is a static method of the Thread class. 
It always causes the currently executing thread to yield.

class MyThread extends Thread {
  public MyThread() {

  public void run() {

    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
      System.out.println("Counting: " + i);

public class MainClass {
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    MyThread ct = new MyThread();

Counting: 1
Counting: 2
Counting: 3
Counting: 4
Counting: 5
Counting: 6
Counting: 7
Counting: 8
Counting: 9
Counting: 10

7.6.1.Controlling Threads: Yielding