The syntax of the DELETE statement : Delete « Insert Delete Update « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

DELETE [FROM] <modified_table>
  <join_type> JOIN
   <another_table> ON <join_condition>]

2.4.1.The syntax of the DELETE statement
2.4.2.A DELETE statement with where clause
2.4.3.A DELETE statement that removes all the rows from the BillingCopy table
2.4.4.A DELETE statement that removes a single row from the BillingCopy table
2.4.5.Deleting sales for a publisher by name.
2.4.6.A DELETE statement with subquery
2.4.7.Delete with table join
2.4.8.A DELETE statement with NOT IN and subquery
2.4.9.Deleting sales based on the average quantity of sales.