Update table in a transaction : Update « Insert Delete Update « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

7> CREATE TABLE Product(
8>     ProductID               int                NOT NULL,
9>     Name                    nvarchar(25)       NOT NULL,
10>     ProductNumber           nvarchar(25)               ,
11>     Color                   nvarchar(15)       NULL,
12>     StandardCost            money              NOT NULL,
13>     Size                    nvarchar(5)        NULL,
14>     Weight                  decimal(8, 2)      NULL,
15>     ProductLine             nchar(20)           NULL,
16>     SellStartDate           datetime           NOT NULL,
17>     SellEndDate             datetime           NULL
18> )
19> GO
1> insert into Product values(1,'Product A', '1','Red',123.123,'1',1,'ProductLine A','1999-03-22','2000-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(2,'Product B', '2','Yellow',234.234,'1',3,'ProductLine B','2000-03-22','2001-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(3,'Product C', '3','Pink',345.345,'1',3,'ProductLine V','2001-09-22','2006-02-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(4,'Product D', '4','White',456.456,'1',4,'ProductLine D','2002-08-22','2006-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(5,'Product E', '5','Black',567.567,'1',5,'ProductLine E','2003-01-22','2003-04-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(6,'Product F', '6','Blue',678.678,'1',6,'ProductLine W','2004-02-22','2005-05-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(7,'Product G', '7','Drak',789.789,'1',7,'ProductLine Q','2005-03-22','2006-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(8,'Product H', '8','Gray',234.123,'1',8,'ProductLine F','2006-04-22','2006-09-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(9,'Product I', '9','Red',543.123,'1',9,'ProductLine R','2007-05-22','2008-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> insert into Product values(0,'Product J', '0','Gold',765.123,'1',0,'ProductLine J','2008-06-22','2009-03-22');
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
4> GO
2> GO
1>   UPDATE Product SET StandardCost = StandardCost * 1.15
2>   WHERE ProductID = 1
3> GO

(1 rows affected)
1>   UPDATE Product SET StandardCost = StandardCost * 1.15
2>   WHERE ProductID = 1
3>     AND StandardCost < 1000
4> GO

(1 rows affected)
2> GO
3> drop table Product;
4> GO

2.5.1.The syntax of the UPDATE statement
2.5.2.Syntax of UPDATE with a Join
2.5.3.An UPDATE statement that updates all the Billings for a Banker based on the Banker's name
2.5.4.An UPDATE statement that changes the terms of all Billings for Bankers in three states
2.5.5.Limiting Rows to Be Updated
2.5.6.Assigning Update Values Using Subqueries
2.5.7.An UPDATE statement that uses an arithmetic expression to assign a value to a column
2.5.8.Updating using two subqueries.
2.5.9.Updating Data Using the CASE Expression
2.5.10.An UPDATE statement that assigns the maximum due date in the table to a specific Billing
2.5.11.Violating the constraint in an update statement
2.5.12.SET other columns to their default value
2.5.13.Change the phone number of authors living in Gary, IN, back to the DEFAULT value
2.5.14.An UPDATE statement with top
2.5.15.Update table in a transaction
2.5.16.Updating Large Value Data Type Columns with WRITE