Inner join with where clause : Inner join « Table Join « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

6> CREATE TABLE Products (
7>      ProductID int NOT NULL ,
8>      ProductName nvarchar (40) NOT NULL ,
9>      SupplierID int NULL ,
10>     CategoryID int NULL ,
11>     QuantityPerUnit nvarchar (20) NULL ,
12>     UnitPrice money NULL,
13>     UnitsInStock smallint NULL,
14>     UnitsOnOrder smallint NULL,
15>     ReorderLevel smallint NULL,
16>     Discontinued bit NOT NULL
17> )
18> GO
1> INSERT Products VALUES(1,'F',15,4,'10 - 999 g pkgs.',61.5,66,6,6,6)
2> INSERT Products VALUES(2,'M',14,4,'24 - 888 g pkgs.',34.8,74,7,7,7)
3> INSERT Products VALUES(3,'R',17,8,'24 - 777 g jars',17,171,0,5,0)
4> INSERT Products VALUES(4,'L',4,7,'5 kg pkg.',10,4,20,5,0)
5> INSERT Products VALUES(5,'R',12,1,'24 - 0.5 l bottles',1.23,445,0,25,0)
6> INSERT Products VALUES(6,'L',23,1,'500 ml',18,57,1,20,0)
7> INSERT Products VALUES(7,'O',12,2,'12 boxes',13,23,0,15,0)
8> go

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2> CREATE TABLE Suppliers (
3>      SupplierID int NOT NULL ,
4>      CompanyName nvarchar (40) NOT NULL ,
5>      ContactName nvarchar (30) NULL ,
6>      ContactTitle nvarchar (30) NULL ,
7>      Address nvarchar (60) NULL ,
8>      City nvarchar (15) NULL ,
9>      Region nvarchar (15) NULL ,
10>     PostalCode nvarchar (10) NULL ,
11>     Country nvarchar (15) NULL ,
12>     Phone nvarchar (24) NULL ,
13>     Fax nvarchar (24) NULL ,
14>     HomePage ntext NULL
15> )
16> GO
3> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(1,'L','N','Manager','L 10','Van',NULL,'2800','Paris','1114108','43844115',NULL)
4> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(2,'Z','D','Manager','V 22','Zaa',NULL,'9999 ZZ','USA',' 1212','(12345) 1210',NULL)
5> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(3,'K','A','Manager','V 12','Lap',NULL,'53120','Finland',' 10956',NULL,NULL)
6> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(4,'G','W','Tester', '1 Hill','Sydney','NSW','2042','Australia','(02) 555-5914','(021) 555-2222',null)
7> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(5,'M','J','Manager','2 St.','Mon','BC','H1J 1C3','Canada','(514) 555-9022',NULL,NULL)
8> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(6,'P','G','Administrator','V 153','Sal',NULL,'84100','Italy','(089) 6547665','(089) 1111111',NULL)
9> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(7,'E','M','Sales','22 Str','Mont',NULL,'71300','France','',NULL,NULL)
10> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(8,'G','E','Sales','B Ave','Ann',NULL,'74000','France','','',NULL)
11> INSERT Suppliers VALUES(9,'F','C','Manager','1 Str','Ste','Calgary','J2S 7S8','Canada','(514) 555-2955','(514) 555-2921',NULL)
12> GO

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(1 rows affected)
5>    SELECT p.ProductID, s.SupplierID, p.ProductName, s.CompanyName
6>    FROM Products p
7>    INNER JOIN Suppliers s
8>            ON p.SupplierID = s.SupplierID
9>    WHERE p.ProductID < 4
10> GO
ProductID   SupplierID  ProductName                              CompanyName
----------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

(0 rows affected)
2> drop table Products;
3> GO
2> drop table Suppliers;
3> GO

4.3.Inner join
4.3.1.The explicit syntax for an inner join
4.3.2.The syntax for an inner join that uses correlation names
4.3.3.An inner join with correlation names that make the query more difficult to read
4.3.4.Select distinct value from inner join
4.3.5.Inner join two table with column in common
4.3.6.Inner join with where clause
4.3.7.Once you decide to alias a table, you must use that alias in every part of the query. with the qualified * operator