Simple SELECT query written using variables for field names. : Declare « Transact SQL « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

5> CREATE TABLE authors(
6>    au_id          varchar(11),
7>    au_lname       varchar(40)       NOT NULL,
8>    au_fname       varchar(20)       NOT NULL,
9>    phone          char(12)          NOT NULL DEFAULT ('UNKNOWN'),
10>    address        varchar(40)           NULL,
11>    city           varchar(20)           NULL,
12>    state          char(2)               NULL,
13>    zip            char(5)               NULL,
14>    contract       bit               NOT NULL
15> )
16> GO
1> insert authors values('1',  'Joe',   'Abra',   '111 111-1111', '6 St.', 'Berkeley',  'CA', '11111', 1)
2> insert authors values('2',  'Jack',  'Majo',   '222 222-2222', '3 St.', 'Oakland' ,  'CA', '22222', 1)
3> insert authors values('3',  'Pink',  'Cherry', '333 333-3333', '5 Ln.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '33333', 1)
4> insert authors values('4',  'Blue',  'Albert', '444 444-4444', '7 Av.', 'Vancouver', 'BC', '44444', 1)
5> insert authors values('5',  'Red',   'Anne',   '555 555-5555', '6 Av.', 'Regina',    'SK', '55555', 1)
6> insert authors values('6',  'Black', 'Michel', '666 666-6666', '3 Pl.', 'Regina',    'SK', '66666', 1)
7> insert authors values('7',  'White', 'Sylvia', '777 777-7777', '1 Pl.', 'Rockville', 'MD', '77777', 1)
8> insert authors values('8',  'Yellow','Heather','888 888-8888', '3 Pu',  'Vacaville', 'CA', '88888', 0)
9> insert authors values('9',  'Gold',  'Dep',    '999 999-9999', '5 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '99999', 0)
10> insert authors values('10', 'Siler', 'Dean',   '000 000-0000', '4 Av.', 'Oakland',   'CA', '00000', 1)
11> GO

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)

(1 rows affected)
3>     DECLARE @chvField1 VARCHAR(30),
4>             @chvField2 VARCHAR(30),
5>             @chvSQL VARCHAR(255)
6>     SELECT @chvField1 = 'au_fname'
7>     SELECT @chvField2 = 'au_lname'
8>     SELECT @chvSQL = 'SELECT ' + @chvField1 + ', ' + @chvField2 + ' FROM authors'
9>     EXEC (@chvSQL)
10>     GO
au_fname             au_lname
-------------------- ----------------------------------------
Abra                 Joe
Majo                 Jack
Cherry               Pink
Albert               Blue
Anne                 Red
Michel               Black
Sylvia               White
Heather              Yellow
Dep                  Gold
Dean                 Siler

(10 rows affected)
2> drop table authors;
3> GO

20.1.1.The DECLARE statement has a pretty simple syntax:
20.1.2.It is possible to define several variables in a single Declare statement.
20.1.3.The names of variables must begin with @
20.1.4.Simple SELECT query written using variables for field names.
20.1.5.Declare a table type variable and query it
20.1.6.DECLARE @Out Int (get value out of a procedure)
20.1.7.DECLARE @Out Int