calls the procedure : Procedure « Procedure Function « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

10> create table Billings (
11>     BankerID           INTEGER,
12>     BillingNumber      INTEGER,
13>     BillingDate        datetime,
14>     BillingTotal       INTEGER,
15>     TermsID            INTEGER,
16>     BillingDueDate     datetime ,
17>     PaymentTotal       INTEGER,
18>     CreditTotal        INTEGER
20> );
21> GO
2> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (1, 1, '2005-01-22', 165, 1,'2005-04-22',123,321);
3> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (2, 2, '2001-02-21', 165, 1,'2002-02-22',123,321.);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (3, 3, '2003-05-02', 165, 1,'2005-04-12',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (4, 4, '1999-03-12', 165, 1,'2005-04-18',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (5, 5, '2000-04-23', 165, 1,'2005-04-17',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (6, 6, '2001-06-14', 165, 1,'2005-04-18',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (7, 7, '2002-07-15', 165, 1,'2005-04-19',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (8, 8, '2003-08-16', 165, 1,'2005-04-20',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (9, 9, '2004-09-17', 165, 1,'2005-04-21',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
1> INSERT INTO Billings VALUES (0, 0, '2005-10-18', 165, 1,'2005-04-22',123,321);
2> GO

(1 rows affected)
3> CREATE PROC spInsertBilling
4>        @BankerID    int,           @BillingNumber  varchar(50),
5>        @BillingDate smalldatetime, @BillingTotal   money,
6>        @TermsID     int,           @BillingDueDate smalldatetime
7> AS
8> IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Billings WHERE BankerID = @BankerID)
9>     BEGIN
10>         INSERT Billings (BankerID)
11>         VALUES (@BankerID)
12>     END
13> ELSE
14>     BEGIN
15>         RAISERROR('Not a valid BankerID!',1,1)
16>         RETURN -100
17>     END
18> GO
3> DECLARE @ReturnVar int
4> EXEC @ReturnVar = spInsertBilling
5>      799,'ZXK-799','2002-07-01',299.95,1,'2001-08-01'
6> PRINT 'Return code was: ' + CONVERT(varchar,@ReturnVar)
7> GO
Not a valid BankerID!
Return code was: -100
2> drop PROC spInsertBilling;
3> GO
3> drop table Billings;
4> GO

21.8.1.calls the procedure
21.8.2.Declare a variable in a procedure
21.8.3.Stored Procedures as Parameterized Views
21.8.4.PRINT information out of a PROCEDURE
21.8.5.Procedure as a view
21.8.6.Return a value out of a procedure
21.8.7.Returning Values from a View as Stored Procedure Output Parameters
21.8.8.Filtering for Null Values with a Stored Procedure
21.8.9.Managing a Transaction Inside a Stored Procedure
21.8.10.Encrypting a Stored Procedure