A transaction is bound by the ACID test. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation (or Independence), and Durability: : TRANSACTION « Transaction « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

Atomicity means that the transactions are an all-or-nothing entity carrying out all steps or none at all
Consistency ensures that the data is valid both before and after the transaction. Data integrity must be maintained (foreign key references, for example) and internal data structures need to be in a valid state.
Isolation is a requirement that transactions not be dependent on other transactions that may be taking place concurrently (either at the same time or overlapping). One transaction cant see another transactions data that is in an intermediate state, but instead sees the data as it was either before the transaction began or after.
Durability means that the transaction's effects are permanent after the transaction has committed, and any changes will survive system failures.

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SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

23.1.1.A transaction is bound by the ACID test. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation (or Independence), and Durability:
23.1.2.Explicit Transaction Commands
23.1.3.Using Transactions
23.1.5.Using Explicit Transactions
23.1.6.Forcing an exclusive table lock.
23.1.7.Transaction spread across batches:
23.1.8.Exception before transaction committing
23.1.9.statements coded as a transaction
23.1.10.A script with nested transactions
23.1.11.One batch that contains two transactions
23.1.12.What happens with stored proc transactions and exceptions?
23.1.13.Declare variable in a transaction
23.1.14.Inserting a Row into MyTable and Rolling Back the Transaction