EXEC master..xp_msver : xp_msver « System Settings « SQL Server / T-SQL Tutorial

2>    EXEC master..xp_msver
3> GO
Index  Name                             Internal_Value Character_Value
------ -------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1 ProductName                                NULL Microsoft SQL Server
     2 ProductVersion                           589824 9.00.1399.06
     3 Language                                   1033 English (United States)
     4 Platform                                   NULL NT INTEL X86
     5 Comments                                   NULL NT INTEL X86
     6 CompanyName                                NULL Microsoft Corporation
     7 FileDescription                            NULL SQL Server Windows NT
     8 FileVersion                                NULL 2005.090.1399.00
     9 InternalName                               NULL SQLSERVR
    10 LegalCopyright                             NULL c Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
    11 LegalTrademarks                            NULL Microsoftr is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
    12 OriginalFilename                           NULL SQLSERVR.EXE
    13 PrivateBuild                               NULL NULL
    14 SpecialBuild                           91684864 NULL
    15 WindowsVersion                        170393861 5.1 (2600)
    16 ProcessorCount                                1 1
    17 ProcessorActiveMask                           1 00000001
    18 ProcessorType                               586 PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM
    19 PhysicalMemory                             1023 1023 (1073201152)
    20 Product ID                                 NULL NULL

(20 rows affected)

26.45.1.EXEC master..xp_msver
26.45.2.xp_msver function