Match a pattern from user input : Console Read « Language Basics « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class PatternMatcher
    Shared Sub Main()
        Dim sInput As String
        Dim sPattern As String
        Dim sMatch As String

        System.Console.Write("Please Enter A Pattern:")
        sInput = System.Console.ReadLine()
        sPattern = sInput

        System.Console.Write("Please Enter A String To Compare Against:")
        sInput = System.Console.ReadLine()
        sMatch = sInput

        If sMatch Like sPattern Then
            System.Console.WriteLine(sMatch & " Matched with " & sPattern)
            System.Console.WriteLine(sMatch & " did not Match with " & sPattern)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class
Please Enter A Pattern:*
Please Enter A String To Compare Against:123
123 Matched with *

1.3.Console Read
1.3.1.Read a single character
1.3.2.Read a complete line of text
1.3.3.Read a string from console
1.3.4.Read keyboard input
1.3.5.Use Do Loop to read user input
1.3.6.Convert what you type to value type
1.3.7.Use While to read user input
1.3.8.Match a pattern from user input