Char: IsPunctuation, IsSeparator, IsSymbol, IsUpper, IsWhiteSpace : Char Function « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main
        Dim result As New System.Text.StringBuilder
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim testChar As Char
        Dim testHex As String

        For counter = 0 To 127
            testChar = Chr(counter)
            testHex = "\x" & Hex(counter)

            If Char.IsPunctuation(testChar) Then _
               result.AppendLine(testHex & "   IsPunctuation")
            If Char.IsSeparator(testChar) Then _
               result.AppendLine(testHex & "   IsSeparator")
            If Char.IsSymbol(testChar) Then _
               result.AppendLine(testHex & "   IsSymbol")
            If Char.IsUpper(testChar) Then _
               result.AppendLine(testHex & "   IsUpper")
            If Char.IsWhiteSpace(testChar) Then _
               result.AppendLine(testHex & "   IsWhiteSpace")

        Next counter
    End Sub

End Class
\x9   IsWhiteSpace
\xA   IsWhiteSpace
\xB   IsWhiteSpace
\xC   IsWhiteSpace
\xD   IsWhiteSpace
\x20   IsSeparator
\x20   IsWhiteSpace
\x21   IsPunctuation
\x22   IsPunctuation
\x23   IsPunctuation
\x24   IsSymbol
\x25   IsPunctuation
\x26   IsPunctuation
\x27   IsPunctuation
\x28   IsPunctuation
\x29   IsPunctuation
\x2A   IsPunctuation
\x2B   IsSymbol
\x2C   IsPunctuation
\x2D   IsPunctuation
\x2E   IsPunctuation
\x2F   IsPunctuation
\x3A   IsPunctuation
\x3B   IsPunctuation
\x3C   IsSymbol
\x3D   IsSymbol
\x3E   IsSymbol
\x3F   IsPunctuation
\x40   IsPunctuation
\x41   IsUpper
\x42   IsUpper
\x43   IsUpper
\x44   IsUpper
\x45   IsUpper
\x46   IsUpper
\x47   IsUpper
\x48   IsUpper
\x49   IsUpper
\x4A   IsUpper
\x4B   IsUpper
\x4C   IsUpper
\x4D   IsUpper
\x4E   IsUpper
\x4F   IsUpper
\x50   IsUpper
\x51   IsUpper
\x52   IsUpper
\x53   IsUpper
\x54   IsUpper
\x55   IsUpper
\x56   IsUpper
\x57   IsUpper
\x58   IsUpper
\x59   IsUpper
\x5A   IsUpper
\x5B   IsPunctuation
\x5C   IsPunctuation
\x5D   IsPunctuation
\x5E   IsSymbol
\x5F   IsPunctuation
\x60   IsSymbol
\x7B   IsPunctuation
\x7C   IsSymbol
\x7D   IsPunctuation
\x7E   IsSymbol

2.14.Char Function
2.14.1.Passing Char values to Val
2.14.2.Char: IsLetter, IsControl, IsDigit, IsLetterOrDigit, IsLower, IsNumber
2.14.3.Char: IsPunctuation, IsSeparator, IsSymbol, IsUpper, IsWhiteSpace
2.14.5.Remove white space in a string
2.14.8.Demonstrates IsWhiteSpace.
2.14.10.Output ControlChars.Tab