Reorder chars in a string : String and Byte Char Array « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim position As Integer
        Dim holdChar As Char
        Dim jumbleMethod As New Random
        Dim quote As String = "abcedfg"

        Dim chars() As Char = CType(quote, Char())

        For counter = 0 To chars.Length - 1
            position = jumbleMethod.Next Mod chars.Length
            holdChar = chars(counter)
            chars(counter) = chars(position)
            chars(position) = holdChar
        Next counter

        Dim result As String = New String(chars)

    End Sub
End Class

2.28.String and Byte Char Array
2.28.1.Convert String to Char using System.Convert.ToChar
2.28.2.ToCharArray methods
2.28.3.Strings And Byte Arrays
2.28.4.String and char array
2.28.5.Reorder chars in a string
2.28.6.Loop through characters in string and display reversed
2.28.7.Use IndexOf to locate a character in a string
2.28.8.Use LastIndexOf to find a character in a string
2.28.9.Converts a substring within a string to an array of characters, then enumerates and displays the elements of the array.