StringBuilder: Length, Capacity, EnsureCapacity : StringBuilder « Data Type « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.Text

Module Tester

   Sub Main()
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim buffer As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder("Hello, how are you?")

      ' use Length and Capacity properties
      Console.WriteLine("buffer = " & buffer.ToString & _
         vbCrLf & "Length = " & buffer.Length & vbCrLf & _
         "Capacity = " & buffer.Capacity)


      Console.WriteLine("New capacity = " & buffer.Capacity)

      ' truncate StringBuilder by setting Length property
      buffer.Length = 10
      Console.WriteLine("New Length = " & buffer.Length )


   End Sub 

End Module
buffer = Hello, how are you?
Length = 19
Capacity = 32
New capacity = 75
New Length = 10

2.40.1.Demonstrating StringBuilder class constructors
2.40.2.StringBuilder: Insert string, Append and Replace
2.40.3.Append Char to StringBuilder
2.40.4.Demonstrating StringBuilder Append methods
2.40.5.StringBuilder AppendFormat
2.40.6.StringBuilder.AppendFormat: {0:D} is ${1: #,###.00}
2.40.7.Replace method.
2.40.8.Insert method of StringBuilder
2.40.9.StringBuilder: Length, Capacity, EnsureCapacity
2.40.10.Use StringBuilder Indexer
2.40.11.Demonstrating methods Insert and Remove of the StringBuilder class
2.40.12.Demonstrating method Replace
2.40.13.Use StringBuilder to reverse a string
2.40.15.Performance difference between String and StringBuilder