Select Case statement with range Integer value : Select « Statements « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Module Module1

    Sub Main( )
       Dim targetInteger As Integer = 7

       Select Case targetInteger
          Case Is < 10
             Console.WriteLine("Less than 10")
          Case 10 To 14
          Case 15
          Case Else
             Console.WriteLine("Value not found")
       End Select
    End Sub 'Main

 End Module
Less than 10

4.3.1.Using Select Case structure
4.3.2.Select Case statement with Integer and exact value
4.3.3.Select Case statement with range Integer value
4.3.4.Select Case statement with String range value
4.3.5.Select Now.DayOfWeek
4.3.6.Use both range and fix value in Select statement
4.3.7.Specify several values in one Case statement