Interface with two methods : Interface « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Interface Speak
    Sub GoodMorning()
    Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime)
End Interface

Class English
    Implements Speak

    Public Sub GoodMorning() Implements Speak.GoodMorning
        Console.WriteLine("Good morning!")
    End Sub

    Public Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime) Implements Speak.GoodEvening
        Console.WriteLine("Good evening -- it is now " & CurrentDate)
    End Sub
End Class

Class Spanish
    Implements Speak

    Public Sub GoodMorning() Implements Speak.GoodMorning
        Console.WriteLine("Buenos Dias!")
    End Sub

    Public Sub GoodEvening(ByVal CurrentDate As DateTime) Implements Speak.GoodEvening
        Console.WriteLine("Buenas noches -- La fetcha y hora son " & CurrentDate)
    End Sub
End Class

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim Hello As New English()
        Dim Hola As New Spanish()


    End Sub

End Module
Good morning!
Good evening -- it is now 11/05/2007 9:29:46 PM
Buenos Dias!
11/05/2007 9:29:46 PM
Buenas noches -- La fetcha y hora son 11/05/2007 9:29:46 PM

6.44.1.Implement Interface
6.44.2.Interface with two methods
6.44.3.One Class implements two interfaces
6.44.4.Interface Inherits Interface
6.44.5.Interface with Property
6.44.6.Inheritance And Interfaces
6.44.7.Reimplement interface
6.44.8.Public Sub aMethod() Implements Interface1.Method, Interface2.Method
6.44.9.Two classes implement one interface
6.44.10.Implements two interfaces and WriteOnly Property