One class implements two interfaces 1 : Class Definition « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Public Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main
        Dim objJohn As New John
        objJohn.SetAction("is painting")
        Console.WriteLine(objJohn.GetName() & " " & objJohn.GetAction())
    End Sub
End Class

Public Interface Person
    Sub SetName(ByVal Name As String)
    Function GetName() As String
End Interface

Public Interface Painter
    Sub SetAction(ByVal Name As String)
    Function GetAction() As String
End Interface

Public Class John
    Implements Person, Painter
    Dim InternalName, InternalAction As String

    Sub SetName(ByVal Name As String) Implements Person.SetName
        InternalName = Name
    End Sub

    Function GetName() As String Implements Person.GetName
        Return InternalName
    End Function

    Sub SetAction(ByVal Name As String) Implements Painter.SetAction
        InternalAction = Name
    End Sub

    Function GetAction() As String Implements Painter.GetAction
        Return InternalAction
    End Function
End Class
John is painting

6.11.Class Definition
6.11.1.Class with a constructor to initialize its member field value
6.11.2.Define class
6.11.3.Define your own Time Class
6.11.4.Class declaration with a method that has a parameter
6.11.5.Class that contains instance variable and a property to get and set its value
6.11.6.Implement an interface
6.11.7.One class implements two interfaces 1
6.11.8.Overrides equals
6.11.9.Overrides ToString
6.11.10.Structure and Class assignment: by reference or by value