Shadows method in base class : Base Class « Class Module « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Public Class Rectangle

     Public Sub New(ByVal top As Integer, ByVal left As Integer) = top
         Me.left = left
     End Sub

     Public Sub DrawRectangle( )
         Console.WriteLine("Drawing Rectangle at {0}, {1}", top, left)
     End Sub

     Private top As Integer
     Private left As Integer
 End Class

 Public Class NamedRectangle 
 Inherits Rectangle

     Public Sub New(ByVal top As Integer, ByVal left As Integer, ByVal n As String)
         MyBase.New(top, left)
         RectName = n
     End Sub 'New

     Public Shadows Sub DrawRectangle( )
         MyBase.DrawRectangle( ) 
         Console.WriteLine("Writing string to the listbox: {0}", RectName)
     End Sub 
     Private RectName As String
 End Class 

 Module Module1

     Sub Main( )
         Dim w As New Rectangle(5, 10)
         w.DrawRectangle( )

         Dim lb As New NamedRectangle(20, 30, "Hello")
         lb.DrawRectangle( )
     End Sub

 End Module
Drawing Rectangle at 5, 10
Drawing Rectangle at 20, 30
Writing string to the listbox: Hello

6.32.Base Class
6.32.1.Call constroctor from base class
6.32.2.Shadows method in base class
6.32.3.Protected base constructor
6.32.4.Call method with MyBase