Catch different Exception with multiple catch statements : Try Catch « Development « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.IO

public class Tester
   public Shared Sub Main
        Dim y As Integer
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim z As Integer
            x = 1
            y = 0
            z = x / y
        Catch e As DivideByZeroException
            Console.WriteLine("You have attempted to divide by zero!")
            y = 2
            z = x / y
        Catch e As OverflowException
            Console.WriteLine("You have encountered an overflow exception. ")
            y = 2
            z = x / y
        Catch e As System.Data.ConstraintException
            Console.WriteLine("You have encountered a constraint exception. ")
            y = 2
            z = x / y
            Console.WriteLine(x & "/" & y & " = " & z)
        End Try

   End Sub
End class
You have encountered an overflow exception.
1/2 = 0

7.5.Try Catch
7.5.1.Try Catch Exception
7.5.2.Catch Exception throwed from a Method
7.5.3.Catch specific Exception from a Method
7.5.4.Catch different Exception with multiple catch statements
7.5.5.Filtered Exception
7.5.6.Catch without Exception type
7.5.7.Catch custom exception