Try Catch with Finally clause : Finally « Development « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On
 Imports System
 Class Tester
     Public Shared Function DoDivide(ByVal a As Double, ByVal b As Double) As Double

         If b = 0 Then
             Throw New System.DivideByZeroException( )
         End If

         If a = 0 Then
             Throw New System.ArithmeticException( )
         End If

         Return a / b
     End Function 'DoDivide

     Shared Sub Main( )
             Console.WriteLine("Open file here")
             Dim a As Double = 5
             Dim b As Double = 0
             Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", a, b, DoDivide(a, b))
             Console.WriteLine("This line may or may not print")

         Catch e As System.DivideByZeroException
             Console.WriteLine("DivideByZeroException caught!")
             Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception caught!")
             Console.WriteLine("Close file here.")
         End Try
     End Sub
 End Class
Open file here
DivideByZeroException caught!
Close file here.

7.7.1.Try Catch with Finally clause
7.7.2.Finally always executes
7.7.3.Close Stream in Finally statement
7.7.4.Finally after multiple catch statements