Illustrate the pattern of using the Dir function. It is not intended to be compiled. : Dictionary « Collections « VB.Net Tutorial

Option Strict On

Public Module modErr

   Public Sub Main()
    Dim filename As String
    filename = Dir("*.*", FileAttribute.Normal)
    Do While Not filename = String.Empty
       filename = Dir()
   End Sub
End Module

8.16.1.Get and set the current directory
8.16.2.Use directories match
8.16.4.String and custom class Dictionary
8.16.5.Add object to Dictionary
8.16.6.Dictionary(Of String, String)
8.16.7.Get current directory: CurDir()
8.16.8.Use MkDir to create a Directory
8.16.9.Use RmDir to delete a directory
8.16.10.Delete a Directory
8.16.11.Delete a directory with exception catch
8.16.12.Delete a directory containing files and sub directories
8.16.13.Directory Exists
8.16.14.Directory Move
8.16.15.Get Parent Directory
8.16.16.Get Directory Root
8.16.17.Get all directories under a directory
8.16.18.Get all files under a directory
8.16.19.Get all files under a directory with conditions
8.16.20.Get all directories under a directory with conditions
8.16.21.Illustrate the pattern of using the Dir function. It is not intended to be compiled.