URL properties : Uri « Socket Network « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets

Public Class Tester
    Public Shared Sub Main
        Dim URL As System.Uri
        URL = New System.Uri("http://www.java2s.com/index.htm?key=value")
        Console.WriteLine("AbsolutePath: " & URL.AbsolutePath)
        Console.WriteLine("AbsoluteUri: " & URL.AbsoluteUri)
        Console.WriteLine("Authority: " & URL.Authority)
        Console.WriteLine("Host: " & URL.Host)
        Console.WriteLine("Port: " & URL.Port)
        Console.WriteLine("LocalPath: " & URL.LocalPath)
        Console.WriteLine("IsDefaultPort: " & URL.IsDefaultPort)
        Console.WriteLine("IsFile: " & URL.IsFile)
        Console.WriteLine("PathAndQuery: " & URL.PathAndQuery)
        Console.WriteLine("Query: " & URL.Query)
        Console.WriteLine("Scheme: " & URL.Scheme)
        Console.WriteLine("UserEscaped: " & URL.UserEscaped)
        Console.WriteLine("UserInfo: " & URL.UserInfo)
    End Sub
End Class
AbsolutePath: /index.htm
AbsoluteUri: http://www.java2s.com/index.htm?key=value
Authority: www.java2s.com
Host: www.java2s.com
Port: 80
LocalPath: /index.htm
IsDefaultPort: True
IsFile: False
PathAndQuery: /index.htm?key=value
Query: ?key=value
Scheme: http
UserEscaped: False

22.2.1.Create Uri object and get AbsolutePath and AbsoluteUri
22.2.2.Get Port and Scheme from a Uri
22.2.4.URL properties
22.2.5.Uri Host Name Type