Shows multiple threads that print message : Thread Creation « Thread « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System.Threading

Module Tester
   Sub Main()

      Dim thread1 As New Thread(AddressOf Print)
      Dim thread2 As New Thread(AddressOf Print)
      Dim thread3 As New Thread(AddressOf Print)

      thread1.Name = "thread1"
      thread2.Name = "thread2"
      thread3.Name = "thread3"

      Console.WriteLine("Starting threads")


   End Sub 

   Public Sub Print()
      Dim current As Thread = Thread.CurrentThread

      Console.WriteLine(current.Name & " done sleeping")
   End Sub 

End Module
Starting threads
thread1 done sleeping
thread3 done sleeping
thread2 done sleeping

23.2.Thread Creation
23.2.1.Shows multiple threads that print message