Use indenting for readability : XmlTextWriter « XML « VB.Net Tutorial

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

public class Sample

  public shared sub Main()
    Dim custID as Int16 = 1
    Dim orderID as String = "A"
    Dim orderDate as DateTime 
    orderDate = DateTime.Now
    Dim price as Double = 1.9
    Dim writer as XmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter (Console.Out)
    'Use indenting for readability
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented


    writer.WriteAttributeString("date", XmlConvert.ToString(orderDate, "yyyy-MM-dd"))
    writer.WriteAttributeString("time", XmlConvert.ToString(orderDate, "HH:mm:ss"))

    writer.WriteElementString("orderID", orderID)
    writer.WriteElementString("custID", XmlConvert.ToString(custID))
    writer.WriteElementString("price", XmlConvert.ToString(price))



  end sub
end class

25.3.1.Create XML Document using XmlTextWriter
25.3.2.Build XmlDocument and Save it use the XmlTextWriter
25.3.3.Use XmlTextWriter to write xml document
25.3.4.Converts data types to string and then writes the information out to the console.
25.3.5.Use indenting for readability
25.3.6.Writes the first and last book nodes out to the console.