An anonymous simple string datatype for which any one of three literal string patterns (Small, Medium, or Large) are acceptable : Simple Type « XML Schema « XML Tutorial

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
  targetNamespace="" xmlns=""
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="Small|Medium|Large" />

3.53.Simple Type
3.53.1.Declaring an Element with a Simple Type
3.53.2.Simple Type Definitions
3.53.3.XML Schemas provide a number of built-in simple types.
3.53.4.User-Defined Data types
3.53.5.The simple type may be defined globally, as a child of an attribute declaration, or within an element content model
3.53.6.A ISO date without a time zone
3.53.7.An anonymous simple string datatype for which any one of three literal string patterns (Small, Medium, or Large) are acceptable