Useful built-in simple types : Introduction « XML Schema « XML Tutorial

Built-in type           Description                                                Example(s) 

xsd:string              A sequence of any of the legal XML characters              This is a string. 

xsd:boolean             The value true or false, or 1(true) or 0(false)            true, 
xsd:decimal             A number that may contain a decimal component              -5.2

xsd:integer             A whole number                                             -389

xsd:positiveInteger     A positive whole number (not including 0)                  5

xsd:negativeInteger     A negative whole number (not including 0)                  -389

xsd:date                A calendar date, represented as CCYY-MM-DD                 2008-05-21

xsd:time                A time of day, represented as                  11:30:00.00 (11:30 A.M.)

xsd:dateTime            A date and time of day, CCYY-MM-DD            2008-05-21T17:28:00.00

xsd:gMonth              A Gregorian calendar month, represented as --MM--          --05-- (May)

xsd:gYear               A Gregorian calendar year, represented as CCYY             2008

xsd:gDay                A day of a Gregorian calendar month, represented as ---DD  ---05

xsd:gYearMonth          A Gregorian calendar year and month, as CCYY-MM            2008-05 (May, 2008)

xsd:anyURI              A URI                                            

3.1.1.Getting Started with XML Schemas
3.1.2.XML Schema defines the name vocabulary.
3.1.3. Declarations
3.1.4. element is the root element within an XML Schema.
3.1.5.Target Namespaces
3.1.6.Simple and Complex Types
3.1.7.Primitive Datatypes
3.1.8.Derived Datatypes
3.1.9.Useful built-in simple types
3.1.10.Create global complex types
3.1.11.Derivation by extension
3.1.12.Derivation by restriction