Filter filter


The filter filter filters an array and returns a new array.

We can use this filter to filter out items for display.

The filter method takes a string, object, or function that it will run to select or reject array elements.

If the first parameter passed in is:

  • string - accept all elements that match against the string. To negate append ! to the string.
  • object - compare objects that have a property name that matches. If we want to match against all properties, we can use the $ as the key.
  • function - run the function over each element of the array.


To select all of the words that have the letter e in them

{{ ['XML', 'Java', 'Angular', 'Oracle', 'CSS', 'Javascript'] | filter:'e' }}

To filter on objects, we can use the object filter notation. The following line filters list of people objects with a list of their favorite language:

{{  [{
    'name': 'A',
    'City':  'San Francisco',
    'favorite language': 'Java'
     },  {
    'name': 'B',
    'City':  'San Francisco',
    'favorite language': 'Javascript'
    }] | filter:{'favorite language': 'Java'} 

To filter based on a function:

{{ ['Kava', 'Java', 'to', 'css'] | filter:isCapitalized }}


We can also pass a second parameter into the filter method.

  • true - It runs a strict comparison of the two using angular.equals(expected, actual).
  • false - It looks for a case-insensitive substring match.

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