Hello AngularJS


Let's build our hello world application.

The following code demonstrates data binding from AngularJS. As you type in the input text box, the H1 header will be updated.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.13/angular.js">
</script><!--   www .j av a2s . co  m-->
     <input  ng-model="name" type="text"  placeholder="Your name">
     <h1>Hello  {{  name  }}</h1>

Click to view the demo


In the code includes angular.js using normal script tag.

Pay attention to the <html ng-app>. The ng-app attribute declares that everything inside of it belongs to the Angular app.

The only components that will be affected by Angular are the elements with the ng-app attribute.

The code above defined a variable named name with ng-model, then referenced it inside the h1 tag.

Whatever value is placed in the input field will be reflected in the model object.

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