C# ref parameter


Passing variables by value is the default, but you can force value parameters to be passed by reference.

To pass by reference , C# provides the ref parameter modifier.


methodName(ref type parameterName){


when calling the method:

methodName(ref variableName);

Notice how the ref modifier is required both when writing and when calling the method. This makes it very clear what's going on.

Example 1

Example for ref parameter

using System;/*w ww .j a va2 s .c  o  m*/

class MainClass
  static void Main(string[] args)
      int MyInt = 5;

    MyMethodRef(ref MyInt);
  static public int MyMethodRef(ref int myInt)
    myInt = myInt + myInt;
    return myInt;

The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

The ref modifier is essential in implementing a swap method:

using System;// w ww .  j  a va  2 s  .c  o m
class Test
 static void Swap (ref string a, ref string b) 
   string temp = a; 
   a = b; 
   b = temp; 

 static void Main() 
   string x = "Penn"; 
   string y = "Teller"; 
   Swap (ref x, ref y); 
   Console.WriteLine (x);   // Teller 
   Console.WriteLine (y);   // Penn 

The code above generates the following result.


A parameter can be passed by reference or by value, regardless of whether the parameter type is a reference type or a value type.

Example 3

We can use ref modifier for reference type value as well.

using System;//from   www  . jav  a 2s . co  m
class Rectangle
    public int Width = 5;
    public int Height = 5;


class Program
    static void change(ref Rectangle r)
        r = null;

    static void Main(string[] args)

        Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
        change(ref r);
        Console.WriteLine(r == null);

The output:

If we use the ref modifier in front of a reference type what we get in the method is the address of the reference or the reference of the reference.

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