C# Multicast Delegates


All delegate instances have multicast capability.


This means that a delegate instance can reference not just a single target method, but also a list of target methods.

The + and += operators combine delegate instances.

For example:

SomeDelegate d = SomeMethod1;
d += SomeMethod2;

The last line is functionally the same as:

d = d + SomeMethod2;

Invoking d will now call both SomeMethod1 and SomeMethod2. Delegates are invoked in the order they are added.

The - and -= operators remove the right delegate operand from the left delegate operand. For example:

d -= SomeMethod1;

Invoking d will now cause only SomeMethod2 to be invoked.


Example for Multicast Delegates

using System;/*from w  w w.  jav a  2 s .  c o  m*/

delegate void Printer(int i);
class Test
    static void consolePrinter(int i)

    static void consolePrinter2(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("second:" + i);

    static void Main()
        Printer p = consolePrinter;
        p += consolePrinter2;



The output:

The delegates are called in the sequence of adding.

Example 2

We can subtract delegate method as well.

using System;/* w  w  w. j a  va2s .  co  m*/

delegate void Printer(int i);
class Test

    static void consolePrinter(int i)

    static void consolePrinter2(int i)
        Console.WriteLine("second:" + i);

    static void Main()
        Printer p = consolePrinter;
        p += consolePrinter2;
        p -= consolePrinter;


The code above generates the following result.

Example 3

using System;/*w ww.jav a  2s.  com*/

class MainClass
  delegate int MyDelegate(string s);
  static void Main(string[] args)
    string MyString = "Hello World";

    MyDelegate Multicast = null;

    Multicast += new MyDelegate(DoSomething);
    Multicast += new MyDelegate(DoSomething2);


  static int DoSomething(string s)
    return 0;
  static int DoSomething2(string s)
    return 0;

The code above generates the following result.

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