C# Tutorial String


  1. Assign value to char array in CSharp
  2. Catch exception in parsing string to Number in CSharp
  3. Check if a string contains a specified substring at the start and end in CSharp
  4. Check if a string is Palindrome in CSharp
  5. Check if a string is a double number in CSharp
  6. Concatenate more than two strings in CSharp
  7. Concatenate various values as string in CSharp
  8. Get number from string with compiled Regular exceptions in CSharp
  9. Insert string to the middle in CSharp
  10. Intern a String in CSharp
  11. Join an array of String value in CSharp
  12. Output String character by character in CSharp
  13. Show string in proper case in CSharp
  14. Test for equality between stings in CSharp
  15. Use escape sequences in strings in CSharp
  16. Use regualr expression to check if a string is a number in CSharp
  17. Use regular expression to check if a string is an Unsigned Integer in CSharp
  18. Use regular expression to get number from string in CSharp
  19. Use the Concat() method to concatenate strings in CSharp
  20. Use the Equals() method and equality operator to check if two strings are equal in CSharp
  21. Use the Join() method to join strings in CSharp
  22. Use the Substring() method to retrieve substrings in CSharp
  23. Use the Trim(), TrimStart(), and TrimEnd() methods to trim strings in CSharp
  24. Use the addition operator (+) to concatenate strings in CSharp


  1. Check the result returned from String.Compare in CSharp
  2. Compare string created from copy in CSharp
  3. Compare string read from console in CSharp
  4. Compare substring and honor case in CSharp
  5. Compare substring in CSharp
  6. Compare two string values in CSharp
  7. Use the Compare() method to compare strings in CSharp


  1. Convert a Base64-encoded byte array to string in CSharp
  2. Convert string to Base 64 byte array in CSharp
  3. Convert string to upper and lower case in CSharp


  1. Create a string array in CSharp
  2. Create a string by copying from another in CSharp
  3. Create string from char array in CSharp
  4. Create string with @ and no need to escape in CSharp
  5. Create verbatim literal strings in CSharp


  1. Determine if a String is a Valid Number by Parse functions in CSharp
  2. Parse String to create numeric values in CSharp
  3. Parse a string to byte based on Culture Information in CSharp
  4. Parse string in currency format to int in CSharp
  5. Parse string in exponential format to int in CSharp
  6. Parse string in hexidecmial format to integer in CSharp
  7. Parse string to bool in CSharp
  8. Parse string to byte in CSharp
  9. Parse string to char in CSharp
  10. Parse string to decimal in CSharp
  11. Parse string to double in CSharp
  12. Parse string to in CSharp
  13. Parse string to int based on culture info in CSharp
  14. Parse string to int in CSharp
  15. Parse string with Exponential format to byte in CSharp
  16. Parse string with Parentheses separator to int in CSharp
  17. Parse string with Parentheses to byte in CSharp
  18. Parse string with currency symbol to byte in CSharp
  19. Parse string with decimal point to byte in CSharp
  20. Parse string with decimal point to int in CSharp
  21. Parse string with leading sign to byte in CSharp
  22. Parse string with no format to byte in CSharp
  23. Parse string with thousand separator to int in CSharp
  24. Parse string with thoushand separator to byte in CSharp
  25. Parse string with trailing sign to byte in CSharp
  26. Try to Parse string in Hexidecimal format to int in CSharp
  27. Try to parse String to int in CSharp
  28. Try to parse string in currency format and symbol to double with en-GB culture in CSharp
  29. Try to parse string in exponential format to Integer in CSharp
  30. Try to parse string in hexidecimal format to byte in CSharp
  31. Try to parse string with currency symbol to int in CSharp
  32. Try to parse string with decimal point to byte in CSharp
  33. Try to parse string with leading sign to Integer in CSharp
  34. Try to parse string with leading sign to byte in CSharp
  35. Try to parse string with no style to Integer in CSharp
  36. Try to parse string with thousand speparator to int in CSharp


  1. Format float with Fixed-point format specifier f3 in CSharp
  2. Use String.Format() method to build a new string in CSharp
  3. Use string.Format to format integer in CSharp


  1. Get Substrings from the start in CSharp
  2. Get substring from the middle in CSharp


  1. Pad Strings from the left in CSharp
  2. Trim and pad with custom characters in CSharp
  3. Use the PadLeft() and PadRight() methods to align strings in CSharp


  1. Remove Characters from a string in CSharp
  2. Remove any of a set of chars from a given string in CSharp


  1. Replace one character from another character in CSharp
  2. Replace sub string with another string in CSharp


  1. Reverse a string by using recursion in CSharp
  1. Search any characters from start in CSharp
  2. Search string from back in CSharp
  3. Search string from the start in CSharp


  1. Split a string by , using Regular Expressions in CSharp
  2. Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 elements in CSharp
  3. Split a string delimited by another string and return 2 non-empty elements in CSharp
  4. Split a string delimited by another string and return all elements in CSharp
  5. Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 elements in CSharp
  6. Split a string delimited by characters and return 2 non-empty elements in CSharp
  7. Split a string delimited by characters and return all elements in CSharp
  8. Split a string delimited by characters and return all non-empty elements in CSharp
  9. Split string with a list of dividers in CSharp
  10. Split string with space in CSharp
  11. Split the original string at the delimiter and return all non-empty elements in CSharp
  12. Use StringSplitOptions enumeration to include or exclude substrings generated by the Split method in CSharp
  13. Use the Split() method to split strings in CSharp


  1. Use the Copy() method to copy a string in CSharp

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