C# Enumerable Aggregate(IEnumerable, TAccumulate, Func)


Enumerable Aggregate(IEnumerable , TAccumulate, Func)Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. The specified seed value is used as the initial accumulator value.


Enumerable.Aggregate(IEnumerable, TAccumulate, Func) has the following syntax.

public static TAccumulate Aggregate<TSource, TAccumulate>(
  this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
  TAccumulate seed,/*from   w  w w .  j  a  v a2  s. co  m*/
  Func<TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate> func


Enumerable.Aggregate(IEnumerable, TAccumulate, Func) has the following parameters.

  • TSource - The type of the elements of source.
  • TAccumulate - The type of the accumulator value.
  • source - An IEnumerable to aggregate over.
  • seed - The initial accumulator value.
  • func - An accumulator function to be invoked on each element.


Enumerable.Aggregate(IEnumerable, TAccumulate, Func) method returns TAccumulate


The following code example demonstrates how to use Aggregate to apply an accumulator function and use a seed value.

//w ww .j  a  va2 s . c om
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class MainClass{
  public static void Main(String[] argv){  
    int[] ints = { 4, 8, 8, 3, 9, 0, 7, 8, 2 };
    // Count the even numbers in the array, using a seed value of 0. 
    int numEven = ints.Aggregate(0, (total, next) =>
                                      next % 2 == 0 ? total + 1 : total);
    Console.WriteLine("The number of even integers is: {0}", numEven);


The code above generates the following result.

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