Using the input Element for Text Input


If you set the type attribute to text for input element, the browser will display a single-line text box.

The following list summarizes the attributes that are available for text input element type.

  • dirname - Controls text directionality.
  • list - Specifies the id of a datalist element that provides values for this element.
  • maxlength - Specifies the maximum number of characters that the user can enter into the text box.
  • pattern - Specifies a regular expression pattern for the purposes of input validation.
  • placeholder - Specifies a hint to the user as to the kind of input that you expect.
  • readonly - If present, this attribute makes the text box read-only.
  • required - Specifies that the user must enter a value for the purposes of input validation.
  • size - Specifies the width of the element in the number of characters that are visible in the text box.
  • value - Specifies the initial value for the text box.

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