Page Widget How to - Change width on hover for li menu items


We would like to know how to change width on hover for li menu items.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type='text/css'>
ul {<!--from  w  ww .  ja  va 2 s .c  o  m-->
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 5px;
  margin: 0;

ul li {
  margin: 0px 5px;
  margin-left: -13px;
  list-style: none;

ul li a {
  background: #EEE;
  height: 25px;
  left: 10px;
  position: relative;
  top: 0px;
  transition: width 400ms, height 200ms, border-radius 200ms, left 200ms,
    top 200ms, background-color 400ms;
  -moz-transition: width 400ms, height 200ms, border-radius 200ms, left
    200ms, top 200ms, background-color 400ms;
  -ms-transition: width 400ms, height 200ms, border-radius 200ms, left
    200ms, top 200ms, background-color 400ms;
  -o-transition: width 400ms, height 200ms, border-radius 200ms, left
    200ms, top 200ms, background-color 400ms;
  -webkit-transition: width 400ms, height 200ms, border-radius 200ms, left
    200ms, top 200ms, background-color 400ms;
  width: 25px;
  overflow: visible;

ul li a:hover {
  width: 250px;
  height: 25px;
  left: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  background-color: #000;
  z-index: 1000;
    <li><a href=""> Demo 1 </a></li>
    <li><a href=""> Demo 2 </a></li>
    <li><a href=""> Demo 3 </a></li>
    <li><a href=""> Demo 4 </a></li>
    <li><a href=""> Demo 5 </a></li>
    <li><a href=""> Demo 6 </a></li>

The code above is rendered as follows: