Java Data Type How to - Create a range between two times


We would like to know how to create a range between two times.


//package de.outstare.kinosim.util;
/*w  ww  . jav  a  2s.c o  m*/
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalTime;

 * A TimeRange is the range between two times.
 class TimeRange {
    private final LocalTime start;
    private final LocalTime end;

    public static TimeRange of(final int startHour, final int endHour) {
        final LocalTime startTime = LocalTime.of(startHour % 24, 0);
        final LocalTime endTime = LocalTime.of(endHour % 24, 0);
        return new TimeRange(startTime, endTime);

    public TimeRange(final LocalTime start, final Duration length) {

    public TimeRange(final LocalTime start, final LocalTime end) {
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;

    public LocalTime getStart() {
        return start;

    public LocalTime getEnd() {
        return end;

    public boolean overlaps(final TimeRange other) {
        if (endsNextDay()) {
            return overlapsDayEnd(other);
        if (other.endsNextDay()) {
            return other.overlapsDayEnd(this);
        assert start.isBefore(end) : "start '" + start + "' must be less than end '" + end + "'!";
        assert other.start.isBefore(other.end) : "other start must be less than other end!";
        return !start.isAfter(other.end) && !end.isBefore(other.start);

    private boolean overlapsDayEnd(final TimeRange other) {
        // check rest of this day and start of next day separately
        final TimeRange firstPart = new TimeRange(start, LocalTime.MAX);
        final TimeRange secondPart = new TimeRange(LocalTime.MIN, end);
        return firstPart.overlaps(other) || secondPart.getDuration().isZero() || secondPart.overlaps(other);

     * @return <code>true</code> if the end of this time range is an the next day.
    public boolean endsNextDay() {
        return start.isAfter(end);

    public Duration getDuration() {
        final Duration duration = Duration.between(start, end);
        if (duration.isNegative()) {
            return duration.plusDays(1);
        return duration;

    public int toHours() {
        return (int) getDuration().toHours();

    public int toMinutes() {
        return (int) getDuration().toMinutes();

    public int hashCode() {
      final int prime = 31;
      int result = 1;
      result = prime * result + ((end == null) ? 0 : end.hashCode());
      result = prime * result + ((start == null) ? 0 : start.hashCode());
      return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      if (this == obj)
        return true;
      if (obj == null)
        return false;
      if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
        return false;
      TimeRange other = (TimeRange) obj;
      if (end == null) {
        if (other.end != null)
          return false;
      } else if (!end.equals(other.end))
        return false;
      if (start == null) {
        if (other.start != null)
          return false;
      } else if (!start.equals(other.start))
        return false;
      return true;
