Java Format - Java printf format flags

Java printf flags changes the formatted output.

The following table lists all flags that can be used in a format specifier.

'-'left justify. If there is no '-' flag, right justify.
'#'format in alternate form for the format specifier
'+'Add + sign to positive values. Applies only to numeric values.
' 'Add a leading space for positive values. Applies only to numeric values.
'0'Add zero padded. Applies only to numeric values.
' , 'Add a locale-specific grouping separator. It applied only to numeric values.
'('Add parentheses for a negative number. It applies only to numeric values.
'<'Reuse the argument for the previous format specifier. It is mostly used in formatting dates and times.


Format StringArgumentResult
"'%6s'""abc"' abc'
"'%-6s'""abc"'abc '
"%d" 123123
"'% d'"123' 123'
"'%6d'"123' 123'
"%,d"1234512,345(US Locale)
"%,d" 1234512 345 (France locale)
"%s and %<s""abc"abc and abc