Javascript Reference - JavaScript Array shift() Method

JavaScript array can act as a queue. Queues restrict access in a first-in-first-out (FIFO) data structure. A queue adds items to the end of a list and retrieves items from the front of the list.

The array method for retrieving from a queue is called shift(). shift() removes the first item in the array and returns it decreases the length of the array by one.

Browser Support

shift() Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes





Return Value

shift() function returns the removed array item.


var colors = new Array(); //create an array 
var count = colors.push("A", "B"); //push two items 
console.log(count); //2 
count = colors.push("C"); //push another item on 
console.log(count); //3 
        // ww w .j  a v  a 2  s.c  o  m
var item = colors.shift(); //get the first item 
console.log(item); //"A" 
console.log(colors.length); //2 

The code above generates the following result.