Javascript Reference - HTML DOM removeEventListener() Method

The document.removeEventListener() method removes an event handler that has been added with the document.addEventListener() method.

Browser Support

removeEventListener Yes 9.0 Yes Yes Yes


document.removeEventListener(event, function, useCapture) 

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
event Required. name of the event to remove.
function Required. Specifies the function to remove.
useCapture Optional.
  • true - Removes the event handler from the capturing phase
  • false- Default. Removes the event handler from the bubbling phase

Return Value

No return value


The following code shows how to remove a "mousemove" event that has been attached with the addEventListener() method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<button onclick="removeHandler()">test</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
document.addEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);
<!-- w  ww  . j  ava2 s . c om-->
function myFunction() {
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = Math.random();

function removeHandler() {
    document.removeEventListener("mousemove", myFunction);


The code above is rendered as follows: