PHP date_get_last_errors() Function

In this chapter you will learn:

  1. Definition for PHP date_get_last_errors() Function
  2. Syntax for PHP date_get_last_errors() Function
  3. Return value from PHP date_get_last_errors() Function
  4. Example - return the warnings and errors while parsing a date string


The date_get_last_errors() function returns the warnings/errors found while parsing a date string.


PHP date_get_last_errors() Function has the following syntax.



PHP date_get_last_errors() Function returns an array that contains information about the errors/warnings.


Get the warnings and errors while parsing a date string


The code above generates the following result.

Next chapter...

What you will learn in the next chapter:

  1. Definition for PHP date_interval_format() Function
  2. Syntax for PHP date_interval_format() Function
  3. Parameter for PHP date_interval_format() Function
  4. Note for PHP date_interval_format() Function
  5. Return value from PHP date_interval_format() Function
  6. Example - Calculate the interval between two dates, then format the interval
Home » PHP Tutorial » PHP Date Functions
PHP checkdate() Function
PHP date() Function
PHP date_add() Function
PHP date_create() Function
PHP date_create_from_format() Function
PHP date_date_set() Function
PHP date_default_timezone_get() Function
PHP date_default_timezone_set() Function
PHP date_diff() Function
PHP date_format() Function
PHP date_get_last_errors() Function
PHP date_interval_format() Function
PHP date_isodate_set() Function
PHP date_modify() Function
PHP date_offset_get() Function
PHP date_parse() Function
PHP date_parse_from_format() Function
PHP date_sub() Function
PHP date_sun_info() Function
PHP date_sunrise() Function
PHP date_sunset() Function
PHP date_time_set() Function
PHP date_timestamp_get() Function
PHP date_timestamp_set() Function
PHP date_timezone_get() Function
PHP date_timezone_set() Function
PHP getdate() Function
PHP gettimeofday() Function
PHP gmdate() Function
PHP gmmktime() Function
PHP gmstrftime() Function
PHP idate() Function
PHP localtime() Function
PHP microtime() Function
PHP mktime() Function
PHP strftime() Function
PHP strptime() Function
PHP strtotime() Function
PHP time() Function
PHP Timezones Constant
PHP timezone_abbreviations_list() Function
PHP timezone_identifiers_list() Function
PHP timezone_location_get() Function
PHP timezone_name_from_abbr() Function
PHP timezone_name_get() Function
PHP timezone_offset_get() Function
PHP timezone_open() Function
PHP timezone_version_get() Function