PHP sort() Function


The sort() function sorts an indexed array in ascending order (alphabetically for letters, numerically for numbers, letters before numbers).


PHP sort() Function has the following syntax.



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
arrayRequired.Array to sort
sortingtypeOptional.How to compare the array elements/items.

Possible values for sortingtype:

0 = SORT_REGULARDefault. Compare items normally (don't change types)
1 = SORT_NUMERICCompare items numerically
2 = SORT_STRINGCompare items as strings
3 = SORT_LOCALE_STRINGCompare items as strings, based on current locale
4 = SORT_NATURALCompare items as strings using natural ordering
5 = SORT_FLAG_CASEan be combined (bitwise OR) with SORT_STRING or SORT_NATURAL to sort strings case-insensitively


The values in the sorted arrays have different keys from the values in the original array.

The sort() and rsort() functions reindex the original array.


<?php// w  w w. j  a va2 s  .com

$authors = array( "Java", "PHP", "CSS", "HTML" ); 

sort( $authors ); 
print_r( $authors ); 

The code above generates the following result.

Example 2

Sort the elements of the $numbers array in ascending numerical order:


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