PHP jddayofweek() Function


The jddayofweek() function returns the day of the week.


PHP jddayofweek() Function has the following syntax



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
jdRequired.A Julian Day number
modeOptional.Specifies how to return the weekday.

mode can have one of the following values:

0Default. Returns the weekday as an integer (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, etc.)
1Returns the weekday as a string (Sunday, Monday, etc.)
2Returns the weekday as a string, abbreviated form (Sun, Mon, etc.)


PHP jddayofweek() Function returns the Gregorian weekday as a string or integer (depends on the mode parameter).


Return the weekday of 21th January, 2013:

echo jddayofweek($jd,1);

The code above generates the following result.

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