PHP date_parse_from_format() Function


The date_parse_from_format() function parses a string and gets a date, according to the specified format.


PHP date_parse_from_format() Function has the following syntax.



ParameterIs RequiredDescription
formatRequired.Format accepted by date_create_from_format()
dateRequired.A data value in string

The following characters can be used in the format parameter string:

dDay of the month; with leading zeros
jDay of the month; without leading zeros
DDay of the month (Mon - Sun)
IDay of the month (Monday - Sunday)
SEnglish suffix for day of the month (st, nd, rd, th)
FMonthname (January - December)
MMonthname (Jan-Dec)
mMonth (01-12)
nMonth (1-12)
YYear (e.g 2013)
yYear (e.g 13)
a and Aam or pm
g12 hour format with leading zeros
h12 hour format without leading zeros
G24 hour format with leading zeros
H12 hour format without leading zeros
iMinutes with leading zeros
sSeconds with leading zeros
uMicroseconds (up to six digits)
e, O, P and TTimezone identifier
USeconds since Unix Epoch
#One of the following separation symbol: ;,:,/,.,,,-,(,)
?A random byte
*Rondom bytes until next separator/digit
!Resets all fields to Unix Epoch
|Resets all fields to Unix Epoch if they have not been parsed yet
+If present, trailing data in the string will cause a warning, not an error


PHP date_parse_from_format() Function returns date data on success.


Parse a date value


The code above generates the following result.

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