Extend class from base class in PHP


The following code shows how to extend class from base class.


<?php/* w ww .j a va  2s .co m*/
   # Define a base Employee class
   class Employee {

      private $name;

      # Define a setter for the private $name member.
      function setName($name) {
         if ($name == "") echo "Name cannot be blank!";
         else $this->name = $name;

      # Define a getter for the private $name member
      function getName() {
         return "My name is ".$this->name."<br />";
   } #end Employee class

   # Define an Executive class that inherits Employee
   class Executive extends Employee {
      # Define a method unique to Employee
      function pillageCompany() {
         echo "I'm selling company assets to finance my yacht!";
   } #end Executive class

   # Create a new Executive object
   $exec = new Executive();

   # Call the setName() method, defined in the Employee class

   # Call the getName() method
   echo $exec->getName();

   # Call the pillageCompany() method

The code above generates the following result.

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