Swift Tutorial - Swift Nested Types

We can nest other types in our type definitions.


The following code creates a Person with nested class.

class Person {
    var health = Health()

    class Health {
        var pulse:Int = 100
        var bmi:Int = 20

        func profile() -> String {
            return "Pulse:\(self.pulse), BMI:\(self.bmi)"
let p = Person()

Example 2

The following code shows how to nested Structures

struct Shapes {
    struct Line {
        var x:Int = 0
        var y:Int = 0
        var length:Int = 0

    struct Rectangle {
        var x:Int = 0
        var y:Int = 0
        var width:Int = 0
        var height:Int = 0
        var area:Int = 0

    struct Circle {
        let pi:Float = 3.1415
        var radius:Float = 0.0

var c = Shapes.Circle()
c.radius = 45.0