Android Utililty Methods Array Empty Check

List of utility methods to do Array Empty Check


The list of methods to do Array Empty Check are organized into topic(s).


booleanisEmpty(int[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive ints is empty or null.

return array == null || array.length == 0;
booleanisEmpty(long[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive longs is empty or null.

return array == null || array.length == 0;
booleanisEmpty(short[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive shorts is empty or null.

return array == null || array.length == 0;
booleanisNotEmpty(T[] array)

Checks if an array of Objects is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(T[] array)
Checks whether the provided array is empty (i.e is not null and has non-empty length).
return (array != null && array.length > 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(boolean[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive booleans is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(byte[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive bytes is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(char[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive chars is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(double[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive doubles is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);
booleanisNotEmpty(float[] array)

Checks if an array of primitive floats is not empty or not null.

return (array != null && array.length != 0);