Android Distance Calculate calculateEte(boolean useBearing, double distance, double speed, double bearing, double heading)

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Fetch the estimate travel time to the indicated target


Open Source License


Parameter Description
distance - how far to the target
speed - how fast we are moving
bearing - direction to target
heading - direction of movement


String - "HH:MM" or "MM.SS" time to the target


public static String calculateEte(boolean useBearing, double distance,
        double speed, double bearing, double heading) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;

import java.util.Locale;

import android.text.format.Time;

public class Main {
    /***//from w w  w  .  ja v a 2 s.  c  om
     * Fetch the estimate travel time to the indicated target
     * @param distance - how far to the target
     * @param speed - how fast we are moving
     * @param bearing - direction to target
     * @param heading - direction of movement
     * @return String - "HH:MM" or "MM.SS" time to the target
    public static String calculateEte(boolean useBearing, double distance,
            double speed, double bearing, double heading) {

        // If no speed, then return the empty display value
        if (0 == speed) {
            return "--:--";

        // Fetch the eteRaw value
        Time eteRaw = fetchRawEte(useBearing, distance, speed, bearing,

        // If an invalid eteRaw, then return the empty display value
        if (null == eteRaw) {
            return "--:--";

        // Break the eteRaw out into hours and minutes
        int eteHr = eteRaw.hour;
        int eteMin = eteRaw.minute;
        int eteSecond = eteRaw.second;

        // Hours greater than 99 are not displayable
        if (eteHr > 99) {
            return "XX:XX";

        // If hours is non zero then return HH:MM
        if (eteHr > 0) {
            // Format the hours and minutes en router
            String hr = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%02d", eteHr);
            String min = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%02d", eteMin);

            // Build the string for return
            return hr + ":" + min;

        // Hours is zero, so return MM.SS
        String min = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%02d", eteMin);
        String sec = String.format(Locale.getDefault(), "%02d", eteSecond);

        // Build the string for return
        return min + "." + sec;


     * Fetch the raw estimated time enroute given the input parameters
     * @param distance - how far to the target
     * @param speed - how fast we are moving
     * @param bearing - direction to target
     * @param heading - direction of movement
     * @return int value of HR * 100 + MIN for the ete, -1 if not applicable
    private static Time fetchRawEte(boolean useBearing, double distance,
            double speed, double bearing, double heading) {
        double xFactor = 1;
        if (useBearing) {
            // We can't assume that we are heading DIRECTLY for the destination, so 
            // we need to figure out the multiply factor by taking the COS of the difference
            // between the bearing and the heading.
            double angDif = angularDifference(heading, bearing);

            // If the difference is 90 or greater, then ETE means nothing as we are not
            // closing on the target
            if (angDif >= 90)
                return null;

            // Calculate the actual relative speed closing on the target
            xFactor = Math.cos(angDif * Math.PI / 180);

        // Calculate the travel time in seconds
        double eteTotal = (distance / (speed * xFactor)) * 3600;

        // Allocate an empty time object
        Time ete = new Time();

        // Extract the hours
        ete.hour = (int) (eteTotal / 3600); // take whole int value as the hours
        eteTotal -= (ete.hour * 3600); // Remove the hours that we extracted

        // Convert what's left to fractional minutes
        ete.minute = (int) (eteTotal / 60); // Get the int value as the minutes now
        eteTotal -= (ete.minute * 60); // remove the minutes we just extracted

        // What's left is the remaining seconds 
        ete.second = Math.round((int) eteTotal); // round as appropriate

        // Account for the seconds being 60
        if (ete.second >= 60) {
            ete.second -= 60;

        // account for the minutes being 60
        if (ete.minute >= 60) {
            ete.minute -= 60;

        // Time object is good to go now
        return ete;

    /** Calculate the absolute angular difference between the two headings
     * @param hdg angle 1 in degrees (typically the heading)
     * @param brg angle 2 in degrees (typically the bearing)
     * @return difference between hdg and brg in degrees
    public static double angularDifference(double hdg, double brg) {
        double absDiff = Math.abs(hdg - brg);
        if (absDiff > 180) {
            return 360 - absDiff;
        return absDiff;


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